Short Notes 1- Is my startup going to be successful!?
Whenever I talk to an enterpreneur , I face a big question that seems too hard to handle but has a simple formula: Is my startup going to be successful!?
I am not “The Oracle” and won’t give you some news from your future, but I will give you the calculation, I want you to ask yourself these 6 questions below for billion times a day until you find satisfying answers for each of them:
Does your product/service meet a customer’s NEED?
Do you believe you have the CAPABILITY to create a product/service that meets your customers’ needs?
Do you think you can sell your product/service? Cause sorry to say that, but entrepreneurship without selling is to be a dreamer girl/boy at your desk.
Is your niche is competitive?
Do you have any plan to differentiate your product/service from the others?
How big is your market? The last three is some of the favourite parts of VCs. They will want to see your market.
Ahaha, ok, nobody can ask themselves these questions billions of times a day, you can seem a little bit lunatic. Maybe writing them down to an A3 and hanging them on the wall would be more efficient than your inspiration quoted neon light.